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Panduan Penulis

Submission Guidelines for JIAGANIS: Journal of Public Administration and Social Science

To submit your manuscript, please [click here]. JIAGANIS: Journal of Public Administration and Social Science utilizes Crossref™ to filter out unoriginal manuscripts. By submitting your manuscript to our journal, you agree to originality checks during the peer-review and production processes.

Manuscript Submission Instructions

  1. Article Template: For detailed instructions on manuscript submission, please use the [Article Template]. We only accept manuscript submissions that follow this template. The template ensures that your manuscript meets the formatting and structural requirements of the journal, facilitating a smoother review and publication process.
  2. Submission Portal: All manuscript submissions must be made through the Online Journal System (OJS) portal. We do not accept manuscript submissions via email. The OJS portal streamlines the submission process, allowing for efficient management and tracking of your manuscript from submission to publication.
  3. Editing Policy: During the review process, we do not recommend edits or changes to the author's original writing. This policy ensures that the author's voice and intent are preserved throughout the peer-review process.
  4. Letter of Acceptance (LOA): Only articles that successfully pass through the review process will be issued a Letter of Acceptance (LOA). Early requests for LOA will not be entertained without undergoing the standard review process. This ensures that all accepted articles meet the journal's standards for quality and originality.
  5. Publication Process:

   - Articles accepted through the review process will be processed immediately for the next issue. The full article (PDF) will be made available without waiting for the publication schedule of that issue to end. This expedites the dissemination of research findings to the academic community and the public.

   - Articles submitted mid-publishing period will go through the review process and, if accepted, will be published in the next issue. This allows for a continuous flow of new research and timely updates in the field of public administration and social science.

Steps for Electronic Submission of Articles

Submission and review are free of charge, but publishing incurs a fee. Follow these steps for electronic submission of your article:

  1. Website Access: Visit the journal's website and locate the option to "Submit an article." This option will guide you to the OJS portal where you can begin the submission process.
  2. Member Registration: If you are already a registered member of the site, you can proceed with the submission process. If not, you will need to register as a member first. Registration ensures that you can track the progress of your submission and receive important updates from the journal.
  3. Submission Process: Follow all the steps outlined in the submission process. This includes providing necessary information such as author details, manuscript files, abstract, keywords, and any required forms. Ensure that your manuscript adheres to the guidelines specified in the Article Template to avoid delays in the review process.
  4. Data and Document Submission: It is crucial to ensure that all required data and documents are submitted in the specified order. Failure to do so may result in the article being returned to the submitter, even if the system initially confirms the submission. This step ensures that the editorial team has all the necessary information to review and process your manuscript efficiently.
  5. Post-Submission Monitoring: After completing the submission process, monitor your email for any notifications or communications regarding the status of your submission. Be prepared to address any additional requirements or requests from the editorial team. Staying responsive to communications can help expedite the review and publication process.

For further assistance, please refer to our [Submission Guidelines] or contact our support team. Our goal is to facilitate a smooth and efficient submission process for all authors, ensuring that high-quality research is published and disseminated promptly.


Manuscript Preparation Guidelines for JIAGANIS: Journal of Public Administration and Social Science

To ensure your manuscript is ready for submission to JIAGANIS: Journal of Public Administration and Social Science, please follow these preparation guidelines carefully. Proper adherence to these guidelines will facilitate a smoother review and publication process.

General Formatting Requirements

  1. File Format: Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format.
  2. Language: All manuscripts must be written in English.
  3. Font: Use Times New Roman, 12-point font for the main text.
  4. Spacing: Use double-spacing throughout the manuscript, including the abstract, references, and tables.
  5. Margins: Set margins to 1 inch (2.54 cm) on all sides.
  6. Page Numbers: Include page numbers at the bottom center of each page.

Manuscript Structure

  1. Title Page: The title page should include:

   - Title of the manuscript

   - Full names of all authors

   - Affiliations of all authors

   - Corresponding author's contact information (email address and phone number)

  1. Abstract: Provide an abstract of 150-250 words. The abstract should be a single paragraph summarizing the purpose, methods, results, and conclusions of the study.
  2. Keywords: Include 3-5 keywords relevant to the content of the manuscript.
  3. Main Text: The main text should follow this structure:

   - Introduction: Present the background and rationale for the study, clearly stating the research question or hypothesis.

   - Literature Review: Summarize the relevant literature, highlighting gaps that the study aims to fill.

   - Methods: Describe the research design, participants, data collection procedures, and data analysis methods in detail.

   - Results: Present the findings of the study using text, tables, and figures as appropriate. Do not interpret the results in this section.

   - Discussion: Interpret the results, discussing their implications, limitations, and suggestions for future research.

   - Conclusion: Provide a summary of the main findings and their significance.

  1. References: Use the APA (7th edition) referencing style. Ensure all references cited in the text are listed in the reference section and vice versa.
  2. Tables and Figures:

   - Each table and figure should be placed on a separate page at the end of the manuscript.

   - Include a descriptive title for each table and figure.

   - Ensure all tables and figures are referred to in the main text.

Additional Requirements

  1. Ethical Considerations: Include a statement confirming that the study has received ethical approval (if applicable) and that informed consent was obtained from all participants.
  2. Conflict of Interest: Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest.

3.Funding: Provide information on funding sources that supported the work.

Submission Checklist

Before submitting your manuscript, ensure that you have:

  1. Followed the manuscript structure and formatting guidelines.
  2. Included all necessary sections and information.
  3. Checked the manuscript for spelling and grammatical errors.
  4. Ensured that all references are correctly formatted and cited in the text.
  5. Prepared separate files for any supplementary material.

Submission Process

  1. Access the OJS Portal: Visit the journal's website and navigate to the Online Journal System (OJS) portal.
  2. Register/Login: If you are not already a registered user, create an account. If you are registered, log in to your account.
  3. Submit Your Manuscript: Follow the step-by-step submission process on the OJS portal. Ensure all required fields are completed and all necessary files are uploaded.
  4. Monitor Submission: After submission, monitor your email and the OJS portal for updates on the status of your manuscript. Respond promptly to any requests from the editorial team.

For further details and assistance, refer to our [Submission Guidelines] or contact our support team. We are committed to ensuring a smooth submission process and look forward to receiving your manuscript.



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