Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism Policy for JIAGANIS: Journal of Administration, Bussiness, and Social Science

JIAGANIS: Journal of Administration, Bussiness, and Social Science is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and originality in the content we publish. Plagiarism, in any form, is considered unethical and unacceptable. This policy outlines our approach to identifying and addressing instances of plagiarism.


Definition of Plagiarism

Plagiarism involves the use of someone else’s work, ideas, or expressions without proper acknowledgment. This includes:

  1. Direct Plagiarism: Copying text verbatim from another source without citation.
  2. Self-Plagiarism: Reusing significant portions of one's previously published work without citing the original work.
  3. Mosaic Plagiarism: Borrowing phrases from a source without using quotation marks or finding synonyms for the author’s language while keeping the same general structure and meaning.
  4. Accidental Plagiarism: Unintentional failure to cite sources or paraphrase properly.


Author Responsibilities

Authors are expected to adhere to the following guidelines to avoid plagiarism:

  1. Original Work: Ensure that the manuscript submitted is original and has not been published elsewhere in any form.
  2. Proper Citation: Appropriately cite all sources and include full references for any work that has influenced the content of the manuscript.
  3. Paraphrasing: When paraphrasing or summarizing another’s work, ensure the meaning is accurately represented and proper credit is given to the original author.
  4. Self-Citation: If reusing content from the author’s own previously published work, it must be cited appropriately.


Plagiarism Detection

  1. Crossref™ Similarity Check: All submitted manuscripts will be checked for originality using Crossref™ Similarity Check powered by iThenticate. This tool compares the content of the manuscript against a vast database of published works and web content.
  2. Editorial Review: In addition to automated checks, our editorial team will manually review the manuscript for potential plagiarism.


Addressing Plagiarism

  1. Minor Overlap (Less than 15%): If the manuscript shows minor overlap with other published works (less than 15%), the authors will be asked to revise the manuscript to properly cite and attribute the original sources.
  2. Significant Overlap (15% - 30%): If significant overlap is detected (15% - 30%), the manuscript will be returned to the authors for major revision. Authors must provide a detailed explanation and properly cite all sources.
  3. Severe Plagiarism (More than 30%): Manuscripts with more than 30% overlap will be rejected outright. The authors will be informed of the decision, and the manuscript will be removed from further consideration.


Consequences of Plagiarism

  1. Rejection of Manuscript: Manuscripts found to contain plagiarism will be rejected immediately.
  2. Author Notification: The corresponding author will be notified of the plagiarism detection, and a detailed report will be provided.
  3. Ban on Future Submissions: Authors found guilty of severe plagiarism may be banned from submitting to the journal in the future.
  4. Notification to Institutions: In cases of severe plagiarism, the authors’ affiliated institutions may be informed of the misconduct.
  5. Retraction of Published Articles: If plagiarism is discovered in a published article, it will be retracted, and a retraction notice will be published in its place. The online version of the article will be marked as retracted.


Appeals and Corrections

1. Appeal Process: Authors have the right to appeal decisions regarding plagiarism. Appeals must be made in writing, providing a detailed explanation and any supporting evidence. The editorial board will review the appeal and make a final decision.

2. Corrections: If minor plagiarism is detected and the authors agree to make the necessary corrections, the revised manuscript may be resubmitted for review.


Commitment to Ethical Publishing

JIAGANIS is committed to ethical publishing practices and the promotion of academic integrity. We expect all authors to adhere to these standards to maintain the quality and credibility of the journal.

For further details on our plagiarism policy or to report any concerns, please refer to our [Ethics Policy] or contact our editorial office.

By submitting a manuscript to JIAGANIS, authors acknowledge and agree to adhere to this plagiarism policy and the ethical standards it upholds.