Reviewer Guidelines

  1. Objective

- Reviewers are tasked with assessing the quality, relevance, and originality of submitted manuscripts to ensure the publication of high-quality articles that contribute to the field of administration, bussiness and social science.

  1. Review Process

- Acceptance: After receiving the review invitation, confirm your willingness to review the manuscript within the specified time.

- Evaluation Criteria:

  1. Originality: Does this research offer a significant new contribution?
  2. Methodology: Are the methods used appropriate and valid?
  3. Accuracy and Consistency: Are the data and analysis presented clearly and consistently?
  4. Relevance: Does the topic fit the scope of the journal?
  5. Clarity and Structure: Is the manuscript well written, with a logical structure and easy to understand?
  6. Review Report
  7. Summary: Provide a brief summary of the objectives and main findings of the manuscript.
  8. Comments to Authors: Provide constructive comments and suggestions for improvement, covering the strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript. Suggestions should be clear, specific, and helpful to the authors.
  9. Comments to Editor: Provide recommendations to the editor regarding acceptance, revision, or rejection of the manuscript, as well as the rationale behind the recommendation.
  10. Ethical Considerations

- Confidentiality: Keep the manuscript you are reviewing confidential. Do not discuss the content of the manuscript with others unless you have obtained permission from the editor.

- Objectivity: Provide objective and fair judgment without bias. Avoid personal criticism and focus on scientific content.

- Conflict of Interest: Report potential conflicts of interest to the editor. If you feel you cannot provide an unbiased judgment, you should decline the review invitation.

  1. Final Recommendations

- Accept: Manuscript is accepted without revision.

- Minor Revisions: The manuscript is accepted after the author makes minor revisions according to the reviewer's suggestions.

- Major Revisions: Manuscript requires significant revisions before it can be reconsidered.

- Reject: Manuscript does not meet journal standards and is not recommended for publication.

  1. Contact

- For further questions, or if clarification is required, please contact the editorial team via email [email journal].


Thank you for your contribution in maintaining the quality of JIAGANIS: Journal of Administration, Bussiness, and Social Science. These guidelines are designed to help reviewers provide constructive evaluations and support the improvement of the quality of published manuscripts.