Copyright Form

Copyright Form Information for JIAGANIS: Journal of Administration, Bussiness, and Social Science

When submitting a manuscript to JIAGANIS: Journal of Administration, Bussiness, and Social Science, authors are required to complete and submit a copyright form. This form is crucial for ensuring that the rights and responsibilities related to the publication of your manuscript are clearly defined and legally protected. Below are the details regarding the copyright form:


Purpose of the Copyright Form

The copyright form serves several key purposes:

  1. Transfer of Rights: It transfers the copyright of the manuscript from the author(s) to the journal, allowing the journal to legally publish and distribute the work.
  2. Author Rights: It outlines the rights retained by the authors, such as the right to use the content for personal use, educational purposes, and in future publications.
  3. Third-Party Permissions: It confirms that the authors have obtained necessary permissions for any third-party materials included in the manuscript.
  4. Conflict of Interest: It includes a declaration of any potential conflicts of interest.


Completing the Copyright Form

  1. Download the Form: The copyright form can be downloaded from the [journal's website]. Ensure you use the most recent version of the form.
  2. Fill in the Details: Provide the following information:

   - Title of the manuscript

   - Full names and affiliations of all authors

   - Corresponding author's contact information

  1. Transfer Statement: The form will include a statement transferring copyright from the authors to JIAGANIS: Journal of Administration, Bussiness, and Social Science. Authors must read and agree to this statement.
  2. Author Signatures: Each author must sign the form. Digital signatures are acceptable if permitted by the journal's policies.
  3. Third-Party Material: If the manuscript contains any third-party material (e.g., images, figures, or tables), include evidence of permission to use this material.


Submission of the Copyright Form

  1. Submission with Manuscript: The completed copyright form should be submitted alongside your manuscript through the Online Journal System (OJS) portal. You will have the option to upload the form as part of the submission process.
  2. Separate Submission: If you are instructed to submit the form separately, follow the guidelines provided by the journal. Typically, this involves emailing the form to a designated contact person or uploading it to a specific section of the OJS portal.


 Retained Author Rights

By signing the copyright form, authors retain several rights, including but not limited to:

  1. Reuse in Future Works: Authors can use their work in future research and publications, provided proper citation is given to the original publication in JIAGANIS.
  2. Educational Use: Authors can use their work for teaching and educational purposes.
  3. Personal Use: Authors can distribute copies of their work to colleagues for personal use.


Contact Information

For any questions or assistance regarding the copyright form, please contact the editorial office:

- Email: [](

- Phone:


For further details, you can refer to the [Submission Guidelines] or visit the [journal's website]. We appreciate your cooperation in completing the copyright form and ensuring the smooth processing of your manuscript.