Issues Of Food Security Policy In Indonesia: A Perspective From New Institutional Economics


  • Romagia


Food Security, New Institutional Economics (NIE), Transaction Costs, Asymmetric Information, Property Right


Food security is one of the main issues facing Indonesia. Government efforts to improve the quality of food security in Indonesia through various policies are still considered by the parties to have not touched the root of the problem. This article discusses food security in Indonesia from the perspective of New Institutional Economics (NIE). This study uses a literature review method. The literature review aims to analyze and synthesize existing knowledge related to the topic being studied, with the aim of identifying food security problem in Indonesia. This study found that from the NIE perspective there are important issues that must be considered in improving the ability to realize food security in Indonesia. These issues are related to high transaction costs, protection of property rights, information asymmetry, and institutional enforcement are important issues that must be addressed immediately.



